Dindy and the Elephant

ISBN Hardback 9 7814447 286042 ISBN Paperback 9 781447 272403                    Published by Macmillan Children's Books 2015Illustrations by Peter Bailey

ISBN Hardback 9 7814447 286042
ISBN Paperback 9 781447 272403                   

Published by Macmillan Children's Books 2015

Illustrations by Peter Bailey



Playing "going to England's" boring. Let's really go somewhere. Not pretend. A real place.

Independence from the British Empire is looming, and Dindy's mother is sleeping away their last Indian summer.

But Dindy longs for adventure and is soon dragging her little brother into the tea gardens, a place where they are never supposed to go alone. Terrified by wild animals and snubbed by the local children, Dindy soon starts to realise just how little she really understands about India, even though it's the only home she's ever known.